Intrastat is a pole system for the circulation of merchandise among the country members of the European Union. The system consists in providing information by the economic entities concerning the performed import and export of merchandise to other countries of the EU. In Poland, the system operates from 1 may 2004. The necessary data must be provided every months in special forms, defined by the regulations. The notifications may be provided by the companies in their own name, but also by their authorised representatives.
KRAK SPED LTD offers complex service of the Intrastat service, that is: filling in declarations and passing them in the name of our clients in the appropriate Customs Offices. The declarations are filled on the basis of the documents (copies of invoices, specifications) provided by the companies. Thanks to good knowledge of regulations together with the experience in this matter, the Intrastat service is fast and reliable.
To settle the details of co-operation, please contact our representative.